"I am seeking self-identified transgender, gender nonconforming, intersex, nonbinary, and/or queer individuals who are 18+ years and have regularly used either all-gender public restrooms, LGBTQ+ community centers, or have participated in self-identified
queer sex parties. Each one-on-one interview will be conducted online via a secured Zoom session and is expected to last approximately 45 minutes, during which time I will invite you to share your thoughts on your gender and sexual identities and experiences of utilizing any of the aforementioned spaces. All interviewees are asked to read through and sign the study’s Informed Consent Form and are accorded strict anonymity.

This research has been granted ethical approval by the Institutional Review Board of Stony Brook University.
If you would like further information or would like to participate, please contact me with a message.
Thank you.
Stephanie Bonvissuto
([email protected])"

More information can be found here.