Research Opportunity for Married LGBT People

Are you currently ,married to a same-sex spouse?  Are you over 18 years of age? If so, you are eligible to participate in a research study being conducted at Syracuse University.

If you agree to participate, you will:

  • Agree to a one-on-one interview lasting approximately 1 hour.
  • Answer questions about your marital history, the strengths and weaknesses of your marriage, any challenges you may face in your marriage, how you manage these challenges, and your relationships with your parents and/or closest family members.
  • Agree to be audio-recorded and have your words used in publications and/or presentations at professional conferences.
  • Interviews can take place in person, over the telephone, or via Skype.


If you would like to participate in this study, please send an email to [email protected], or call 315-751-1325.

Contributing Organizations