When November 20, 2020 at 1:45pm 1 hr 15 mins
Contact Shepard Verbas [email protected]


*Virtual* Hudson Valley Trans Forum 2020
Friday, November 20th & Saturday November 21st
Free Event | Held on Zoom | All Are Welcome | Attend one or both days
TGNCNB people are the center and focus of this event. You matter & your participation is vital.
Register for the Event Here!

Click on the below links to see a description & learn about the presenters!

Friday, November 20th | schedule subject to change


Check-In & Opening Remarks


Keynote address, presented Ariana Quiñones (they/them) of YWCA


Workshop 1

Active Allyship to Support TGNCNB Folks, presented by Emmett Griffith (he/him) & Rachel Simon (she/they) of Pace University


Community Perspectives Panel

Curriculum to Campus: TGNCNB Educational Inclusivity Panel

Moderator: Eva Dolgin, LMSW (she/they) of CANDLE Youth Pride


Lucky Hernandez (they/them), student at Columbia University
MJ Karger (she/her), GLSEN Lower Hudson Valley co-chair
Dakota Piñon (he/him), student at Manhattanville College
Abby Waldow (she/her), student at University of Albany

Jade Watts (they/them), student at Westchester Community College


Workshop 2

Creative Interventions for Gender Dysphoria, presented by Janesse Russel, LMSW (she/her) & Grace Troyer, BA (they/them)


Workshop 3

Trans Accountable Leadership: A Community Conversation, presented by Alex Francisco (she/her) & Loren Klein (he/him) of Rockland County Pride Center


Workshop 4

Addressing Health Care Needs & Barriers for TGNCNB Competent Care, presented by Mia Edwards (she/her) & Kira Lingala (she/her) of The LOFT LGBTQ+ Community Center

Followed by Closing Remarks/Evaluations


Transgender Day of Remembrance Ceremony
In honor of the lives lost to anti-transgender violence in the past year


Saturday, November 21st | schedule subject to change


Check-In & Opening Remarks


Keynote address, presented by Alisha Kohn (she/her) of Newburgh LGBTQ+ Center
Title: Trans Liberation in the Abolition Movement


Workshop 1

New York State and National Legal Updates, presented by Sarah Filcher, Esq (she/they) & Shary Sanchez, Esq (she/her/ella) of Legal Services of the Hudson Valley


Community Perspectives Panel

Coming Out & Family Acceptance: Panel & Community Discussion

Moderator: Anthony Arrien (he/him), LOFT Board Member


Karen Marder, LCSW (she/her), Dutchess Pride Center
Robyn Schlesinger, Esq (she/her)
Weston Siano (he/him), Center Lane, a program of Westchester Jewish Community Services
Jay Tyler (he/they), CANDLE Youth Pride


Workshop 2

Feeling Good Feelings: Pleasure & Power in Strange Times, presented by Rowan Reyes, MSW (they/them)


Workshop 3

Trans and Gender Expansive in the Workplace: Job Seeking, Employment and Career Planning, presented by Robyn Schlesinger, Esq (she/her) & Lucky Hernandez (they/them)


Workshop 4

Racial Justice for TGNCNB Communities, presented by Newburgh LGBTQ+ Center

Followed by Closing Remarks/Evaluations


Night of Resilience
A community party, open to all. Featuring music, inspiration, and local artists

Note: Night of Resilience is free to attend and will function as a fundraiser for The LOFT's TransMission scholarship program.



Free to attend, registration required to receive Zoom information

Register Here

Thank You To Our Event Co-Sponsor!