Lions are groups of service-minded people who are interested in doing volunteer work to improve their communities. We are young people, families, and Baby Boomers alike. To become a Lion is to become an active volunteer, a member of a respected international organization, a leader in your community and a friend to people in need.
The LOFT: LGBT Community Services Center
252 Bryant Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605
The Westchester Pride Lions Club meets on the 4th Thursday of every month at 7:00pm. However this month the meeting will be held on Wednesday the 24th.
Next Meeting: April 24th
As a Lion you will:
- Help your community and gain valuable skills
- Make an impact on people's lives locally and internationally
- Learn to be a learer and lead a respected organization
- Network with business people in your community and around the world
- Energize your life and have fun
If you have any questions regarding the Westchester Pride Lions Club you can contact them at (914) 281-1038 or at [email protected].
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