About NEW Pride Agenda
Incorporated in 2019 and with offices in New York City, the NEW Pride Agenda (NPA) is a New York nonprofit (501(c)(3)) organization with a mission focused on expanding and ensuring LGBTQI+ rights via advocacy and civic engagement across New York State. NPA believes that LGBTQI+ rights are human rights and we are committed to furthering dignity, respect, and equity for all in our community. Building upon New York’s rich history of LGBTQI+ leadership and advocacy, and working in partnership with our diverse community and a host of LGBTQI+ and intersecting social justice organizations and movements, NPA strives to empower the LGBTQI+ community by organizing and building upon the community’s unique talents to secure our shared policy goals – from civil rights and racial justice and equity to housing, health care, criminal justice, education, and beyond. NPA’s annual budget is presently under $1 million and it is governed by a diverse, ten-member (and growing) board of directors from across New York State.
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