When April 13, 2019 at 2:30pm 2 hrs
Where The LOFT: LGBT Community Center

Join the 20-somethings group for April's activity: Gaymes Gathering!

This month's activity will be an afternoon of games at The LOFT. It's our twenties version of "Gaymes Night." Bring your favorite board or card games for us to play! We will have Cards Against Humanity with the Pride expansion pack, and also have The LOFT's extensive selection to choose from. This event is being repeated because we had a lot of fun last time despite the short notice.

When: Saturday, April 13th at 2:30pm

Where: The LOFT, 252 Bryant Ave, White Plains, NY 10605

The LOFT 20-Somethings Discussion & Activity Group is open to all LGBTQ persons ages 20-29. This open topic group discussion is meant as a safe space for this age group to open up and hangout with each other. The discussion group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month from 7:30pm-9:00pm. Activities are posted to calendar as they are planned.