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Saturday's Conference Line-up
10-10:15am |
Check-In & Opening Remarks | lite breakfast provided.
10:15-10:45am |
Keynote address, presented by Joann Prinzivalli, Esq. (she/her) Title: Bend the Arc!
10:50-12:20pm |
Breakout Session 1 | choose one from below.
- Medical Options for Binary/Non-Binary Transition and Health Maintenance, presented by Robbins Gottlock, MD (he/him) of Phelps Hospital Northwell Health
- Alternative to Violence Project: Transforming Power Workshop, presented by Alisha Kohn (she/her), David Fletcher (he/him), and Karin Elias (she/her) of AVP
- Know Your Rights, presented by Kristen Browde, Esq. (she/her)
12:25-1:25pm |
Lunch | featuring a special lunch presentation | lunch provided.
1:30-3:00pm |
Breakout Session 2 | choose one from below.
- Workplace Encounters: What it means to be Trans & NB/GNC, presented by Alexander Hershman (he/they) & Lucky Hernandez (they/them) of CANDLE Youth Pride's Leadership Project
- Straight Pride Teach-In, presented by Rae Leiner (they/them), Ariel Churchill (he/him), & Maria Ramirez (she/her) of the Newburgh LGBTQ+ Center
- Youth Up Front! Leading the Way and Creating Safe Spaces | A Session for TGNCNB Youth/Young Adults, presented by CANDLE Youth Pride & WJCS's Center Lane
3:05-3:55pm |
Closing Discussion Topic: Dating, Disclosure & Finding Your Support Network: A Whole-Group Conversation
Followed by Closing Remarks/Evaluations
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HVTF Conference