Calling all Gay and Bisexual men under the age of 25! Click here to participate in CMI's annual survey about how media and entertainment interact with gay and bisexual men’s health and entertainment.
It’s a fun survey that should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
We thank you in advance for contributing your opinions to this study. Your participation will help provide health services to our community.
Those who complete the survey may enter for a chance to win one of twenty prizes: Either $50 cash, or a $50 donation to a charity of your choice.
As part of a CMI research project, your personal information will remain SECURE and CONFIDENTIAL. They do not sell their lists or your contact information to other companies. CMI reports the collective opinion of the LGBTQ community, not your personal information. This is pure research.
Your responses are completely confidential, and your answers are not tied to your contact information should you enter the prize drawing. We encourage you to be as honest as possible in your responses.
Click above, or follow this link to access the survey!
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