Have you ever thought about writing creatively, but don’t know where or how to start? Do you have a novel, short story, poem, or play inside of you that’s begging to be set free? Have you done creative writing in the past, but stepped away for a bit and are looking for a way to get back into the craft? Do you want to try something new surrounded by a great support team?
Then The LOFT Writers Workshop wants you!
Are you a writer working on a literary project with an LGBTQ theme and looking for feedback? Come join The LOFT's workshop review for September on September 16th at 7:30pm. This current workshop is for writers looking for their work to reviewed and critiqued by fellow writers and co-facilitators.
For anyone who is new and wants to submit work for group review, submissions are due Wednesday-September 9. You can submit your work to group co-facilitator Jeffrey at [email protected].
For additional information and instructions please contact Jeffrey Guard, at [email protected]
Click here to register for the Zoom Link
At the LOFT Writers Workshop you will be guided step-by-step by trained writers into the world of creative writing. We’ll be starting each meeting with a creative free-write (guided by a prompt), which will then lead into a group share and structured workshop. Keep in mind that isn't a Book Club, but rather a consortium of writers of all skill levels, though we may read published works from time to time.
Don’t know what or how you want to write? No worries, there’s zero pressure to work on any one specific project or genre. We want you to explore and experiment and discover what works for you. Writing is, after all, a process of discovery, so let's have an adventure!
Workshop is free! $5 suggested donation, more if you can, less if you can't!
Click to view all groups on our calendar!
LOFT Social Groups are open groups which welcome everyone ages 18 and over. Groups are led by members of the LGBT and allied communities. There is no need to preregister and no fee to attend.
Donations are welcome. Suggested donation is $5; more if you can, less if you can't. Fees related to activities are the responsibility of participants.
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