Job Search & Networking Tips for the COVID-19 Era
Two opportunities to attend:
Wednesday, June 10, 2020 | 5-6pm
Thursday, June 11, 2020 | 12-1pm
Hosted on Zoom & Facebook Live
In response to the unprecedented amount of unemployment caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, The LOFT is collaborating with David Wiacek, a certified professional career coach (CPCC) and proud LOFT Business Partner, to offer an online webinar on topics related to optimizing your job search.
David wants to hear from The LOFT community on what would be most beneficial to them by asking interested participants to complete this brief planning survey.
Complete the survey here!
Whether your job was adversely impacted during this time, you realized you want to change careers, or you are entering or re-entering the workforce, all are welcome to take advantage of this event.
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