"My name is Gabriella Perez-Hernandez, and I am a third-year student at Hunter College. Currently, I am acting as a student interviewer for a research project at CUNY entitled "Passing It Forward: Black and Latinx LGBTQ+ Elders Sharing The Wisdom From Their Walk". The aim of this project is for college students to interview older LGBTQ individuals of color as a means of preserving their legacy and wisdom for future generations
I am looking for people to interview and the requirements are that they must be be a person of color, 50 years of age or older, and identify as LGBTQ. As a 20 year old Puerto Rican lesbian, it would be an honor for me to get to speak with someone similar to my background of an older generation as a means of sharing their knowledge with me and with generations to come. The interviews would take place virtually over Zoom, and would be recorded to be placed in a public archive once the project is completed. More information can be found on the project's website here: https://socialjusticesexuality.com/passingitforward/. If anyone is interested, please tell them to message me at [email protected] for further information and to set up an interview."